Why You Need E-Commerce in 2021
Going into this new year, we have a lot to hope for, but we are also in the midst of one of the most difficult business climates since the Great Depression: almost one hundred thousand American businesses shuttered permanently between the beginning of covid shutdowns and the end of 2020. Storefronts have alternatively had to close or limit the number of customers, and many shoppers have been scared away from brick and mortar locations altogether. Going into 2021, vaccines are rolling out, and everybody is looking forward to warmer weather, but realistically there are no guarantees that things are going to get back to normal this year. However, during the same period of time, e-commerce business has expanded significantly. The economy hasn’t totally collapsed and consumers still want many of the same things that they did a year ago. So what does this mean? This means that your business’ online presence is significantly more important to your overall success than it was before. A website...